Published On: November 2, 2014Categories: Litigation

The Advantages of Hiring a Boutique Litigation Firm

Boutique Litigation Firms Fight Smarter; We Can Do More With Less

  • Lean Staffing: We staff fewer than 1/2 as many people and effectively eliminate redundancies. That reduces the effective hourly rate of each task by almost 30% and improves the institutional learning curve by several orders of magnitude.
  • Trial Experience Rules the Day. Having experienced trial counsel on the matter as your primary lawyer gives you the highest-order strategies for winning and exerting pressure on your opponents.
  • Fewer Litigation “Events”. Reducing the number litigation events (hearings, depositions, etc.)–which generally impact the litigation very little–allows more focus.
  • Only Write When Necessary. Eliminating excessive motion, briefing, and letter writing for things like discovery disputes can reduce fees and costs by 10% or 20% — by one estimate, fewer than 30% of motions are granted anyway.
  • No Document “Mania”. Using common sense, technology and strategic thinking can reduce the time spent fighting over, collecting, and reviewing documents by 30%.
  • No Nickel and Diming. We don’t charge for the nickel-and-dime type stuff like legal research, regular copying/printing, stapling, etc.

Thus, a boutique litigation firm can easily save you over 40% over what you would certainly pay at a large law firm simply by trimming the fat, and not engaging in any activity that does not increase your probability of winning at trial.

The Dangers of the Conventional Litigation Model: Ten Hidden Costs That Can Increase Your Legal Bills By As Much as 400%

Most business litigation, IP litigation and investor lawsuits are handled by the litigation departments of corporate law firms (or litigation boutiques that are spinoffs) who have a way of doing things. I call it the conventional way. It is how litigation has been practiced by an overwhelming number of law firms in America for near 100 years.